Broadmoor Preschool is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (Tax ID #94-6115979) and donations to the school are tax-deductible. Your donation will help keep our school running, and keep tuition low for more than 80 families annually. Donations are applied to educational supplies, classroom visits, capital improvements, field trips, and scholarships for students from low-income families. With your help, Broadmoor will extend its long tradition of educating San Leandro’s future!
To make a donation, please fill out a donation form below and submit your gift to:
Facebook Donations
Please consider supporting San Leandro’s Broadmoor Preschool this Giving Season as we hope to raise $5,000 to sustain our scholarship fund, compensate our teachers, and cover the fees on our beloved schoolhouse. Meta has pledged to match the second gift up to $100 (up to $7 million worldwide) when you sign up for recurring donations over $5 by December 31st.
While one-time donations are immeasurably important for one-time costs, recurring donations - even lesser amounts - provide stability to small nonprofits such as ours.Your gifts will help us continue our mission to create a nurturing, imaginative environment for parents and children to learn side-by-side for generations to come.
PayPal Donations
We are currently fundraising for scholarships for low-income families and general funding (educational supplies, capital improvements, field trips, etc.). You can donate through PayPal or through various fundraising events.
Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Broadmoor whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.
Sign in with your Amazon account, select Broadmoor Preschool as the organization, and shop.
Scholastic Books
Books purchased from Scholastic Books enable our school to earn free books for our kids.
Use Broadmoor’s class activation code at purchase: H7WZ3